Make Custom Gifts at CafePress

A Work in Progress.... Our Zazzle Store...

How to reach us if you have questions or comments...

(513) 400 - 4ABD
24 Hour line with voicemail

When emailing us or if you are directed to leave a message when calling,
make sure to include the following information - 

1.) Your first and last name

2.) A very detailed message -
     - be clear on which project(s) you are inquiring about. 

3.) How you would like to be reached, phone or strictly email.
     - If by phone, please leave your telephone number and best time to reach you.
     - In case your order is a gift for someone within your household please let us know therefore we can be discrete when leaving a message

please make sure you have read over the site and have enough information 
to at least understand the difference between each product.